Credit Card Processing



Are you ready to introduce credit card processing in to your business as a new payment method?  Maybe you are shopping around for a better credit card processor.  Whichever situation your business is in, ARX Payment Services can help.

One of the best decisions you can make for your business is accepting credit cards as one of your customer’s payment methods.  If you only accept cash, you're missing out on potential sales especially from customers that no longer carry cash. Recent survey shows that even if someone carries cash, it is only about $20 or less.



The ability to process credit cards is almost a must have for your business.  However, for many business owners, choosing the right company to do business with is the biggest challenge. With hundreds of credit card processors available and with the many ways businesses can accept credit cards, it's easy to feel like you're in over your head.  ARX Payment Services is here to help.

With more than 25 years of experience in the merchant services industry, we can provide you the best solution for your company based on the size of your business and the industry you are a part of.

Being a boutique firm allows us to develop customized pricing models for our clients which saves them hundreds to thousands of dollars per month on credit card processing fees.

The best credit card processor is one built with your small business's unique needs and requirements in mind. Customized programs allow you to pick and choose the types of services that are best suited for your business. A great solution is also budget friendly and gives you the customer service attention you need to be successful.

Whatever merchant service or credit card processing service you require, our no-cost audit will be a great place to start.

Call today to see how we can help you improve your merchant services today