Can Your Smart Phone Accept and Make Payments?

Yes it can! You just need the right app. There are many out there.  ARX Merchant Services can help you pick the right one.


Consumers are more in a hurry than ever before.  Make it quick, convenient, fast, accurate, and SAFE, and you’ve got a customer!  If you’ve ever used a credit card to purchase a pack of gum or a candy bar, you know what we mean.  And, you’re not alone.  In 2012, American purchasers used cash to pay for 27% of their retail transactions. Most transactions were paid with credit cards (29%) or debit cards (31%). Credit cards are now becoming obsolete (sort of). More and more consumers are leaving their wallets home and shopping with their smart phones. Talk about convenient.


There are several popular apps that will allow you to purchase or sell (even send money) by using any Apple of Android mobile device. Currently, there are three main apps to choose from and you can live the card-free lifestyle!  More apps are in developmental stages.


Mobile payments are on the rise. According to a research study by Gartner, more than 200 million people worldwide made payments with their smart phones in 2012. They simply swipe their device through a special reader or make direct payments with a selected direct service such as PayPal, and they’re done. Up to 384 million people and possibly more are expected to use these apps in the future.  IE Market Research has suggested that $998 billion in revenue will be accrued in 2016.


Join the revolution. Call ARX Merchant Services today and learn more. Your business is important.  If you can take payments anywhere anytime, we can help.  If you’re new to this type of transaction, we’ll get you started. Call today!